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Monday, 2 January 2012

Welcome to my new Environment Blog!

As the new year begins I thought I would take the opportunity to write a few things about the Environment.

It's often the case that when the economy is the center of attention (like it currently is) environmental issues take a back seat.  This is understandable but also very dangerous.  The whole basis of 'sustainability' and 'sustainable development' is the consideration of the economy, environment and social issues. Just as a three-legged bar stool would fall over if two of its supports were taken the same would happen to our communities if we don't focus a bit more on the environment and society.  It's important to remember about environmental issues even when we need to tighten our belts, being green doesn't always need to be expensive and in many ways being green can help the economy!

This is just the start of my blog so I wont go in to much just yet but if you want to hear my views on environmental issues then come back for more updates in the coming days.....

Thanks for reading!

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